About HT Restaurant

Vision & Mission 
  • Vision 
A solution for dieters who look for healthy and tasty food.

  • Mission 
  1. To serve low calorie food in better way than others
  2. To provide healthy food in a good taste for dieters daily need
  3. To serve customer a good serving of healthy food



We(the owners) were at the same college at that time. We participated our college event by making stand of vegetarian food. It was the favorite stand for dieters because we served delicious food with low calories. Some of our friends suggested us to continue our idea to make a restaurant with vegetarian menu. However we still focused to our study so we didn’t  continue it.


After graduated from college, we made a mini restaurant with healthy menu. We had only 5 menus  of food and 4 for drink.We gave name our restaurant “HT restaurant”. HT restaurant stands for Healthy and Tasty restaurant.  We served vegetarian foods in  special serving. Our restaurant was located at Jalan Menteri Supeno 19A Surakarta.

taken from: jasaaplikasikaraokesistem.blogspot.com


HT restaurant became bigger and famous since there was no vegetarian restaurant in our city. We added some new menus for food and beverage. We also rebuilt our restaurant became larger with modern decoration. There were wifi and meeting room for customers. 


taken from: bs2h.com

   taken from : blog.reikodesign.com 


  • Anastasia Selviana Elvita Lusiani, S.S
  • Devi Nirmala Muthia Sayekti, S.S
  • Prativi Kartika Devi, S.S
  • Thessa Vallen Criesselda, S.S
Restaurant Manager   
  • Prahara Wicaksana, M.M
 Assistant Manager
  • Diana Puspita, Amd
  • Shinta Andriani, Amd
 Bar Staff
  • Robby Zong
Kitchen Staff
  • Chef Arjuna Satria
Restaurant Staff
  • Meliana Nasution, Amd 

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